At first welcome to you !!
You came here to read about me and this blog , this is a great achievement for me .
Basically let me introduce myself , i am 21 year young blogger with about 4 year of blogging experience or you can say struggle.
Well i started my first blog on same platform blogger for free , at the time i was new and my first blog didn't got any traffic and visitors and i was very sad.
Then i just kept learning and creating blogs again and again but i failed for 4 times and finally fifth time i am attempting to take off.
Why i started this blog ?
I failed upto 4 th blog why? I came with a huge list of problems and finally decided to solve those problems for you . Well my first post on this blog was " How to create a free blog and make money 2021 " . This post clearly defines my blog.
My aim is very simple and i want to make beginners make money out of zero investment. All those problems which i felt should not be felt by everyone in the field of blogging.
The only reason i started this blog is to help new blogger to grow up .
My education and qualification
Well i am an undergraduating student in computer science and i love programming web development and also blogging. I have no any expert qualification but as i already told in my many posts blogging is not about expertise its about research and presentation.
What i teach about ?
In this blog you will mainly learn about making money from a blog , creating or establishing a profitable blog , SEO ,backlinks , Adsense , Blogger tutotials and helps etc.
Technical details
This blog is hosted in blogger free platform with a custom domain. And this blog is maintain by single person which is me so its a personal blog not a content marketing company.
You will get fresh tips and tricks about blogger and also SEO , Growing traffic and marketing your blog.
Its basically 3 step blog
Create a blog >>> Bring traffic>>> Monetize