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How to create a free blog and make money ?

 Do you want to know ? How to create a free blog and earn money? 

If your answer is yes then believe me you are at the best possible place in the whole web .
But before that i want to make a request  please don't scroll this page and please read each and every word very slowly .
Basically it is very personal message  written with heart to share my experience and blogging journey. 

My other website

Just give me your 30 minutes believe me it will be your most fruitful 30 minutes. And this small investment can give you larger results in future.

How to create a free blog and make money

So Lets begin our main disscussion from here.

I went to google chrome and searched " How to create a free blog and make money " and i found more than 20 websites and read their whole article .
Those 20 websites has claimed following things.
1. Blogging is very easy.
2. Wordpress is only the option.
3. As usually money grows on trees .

Although i searched with keyword  "free"
But none of those websites provided me  a free way of starting a blog . They all gave me a paid $ options. But don't worry i will give you a "free way to start a blog and also teach to make money out of it".

Even though all those websites claimed blogging as an easy job , realities are something else .  It is not as easy as they are telling . If they all were true  then even small kids would be earning , oh sorry harvesting money from those trees.

So at  first i want to tell you some realities of blogging field .
1. Your first blog may fail or you may end up without any profit plus alot of frustration and a small feeling of depression.
2. After starting a blog you are not going to get any traffic at least for 4-5 months and you may think to quit or stop writing post for blog.
3. You may not be able to earn decent amount of money  if you are beginner or newbie.

So Is it very hard to create a blog ?

I will say No .

Because there are millions of blog out there in the web. It simply means that blogging is not very hard. But establishing a profit making blog is a bit tricky and also requires some time ( about 5-6 months on an average).

But don't worry i will give you a blueprint . If you followed this blueprint , you will create a free blog and make money . It is 100% true.

In this article you will learn about  following things .

Introduction part

1.What is blogging ?
2. Selection of niche or topic
3.  Keyword research and long tail theory

Hosting and technical part

4. starting with hosting and domain
5. Best free platform
6. Selecting simple mobile friendly theme
7. Writing posts and pages.

Traffic and SEO part

7.Link building and seo
8. Social media and traffic generation
  • Facebook page or group
  • Quora
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter

Money making part

9.Monetization of blog .
  • Adsense
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsorship

conclusion and tips part

10 . Conclusion.

1.What is blogging ? 

At first let me tell you what the heck is a blog ?  A blog is short form of word "weblog" which is a kind of diary in which articles are arranged in reverse chronological order.  New article are at the top most part and vice versa.

But wait , it was a technical definition and you know nothing about trends, blogging culture from that sentence.

So traditionally , a  blog is a website which publish informal and talkative article about an specific niche or topic .
 Unlike essay , news articles  and other literature writings , it is very disscussive in nature and very informal.

I want to give you an example. One of your friends asked you about weight loss. Because he is fat but now he became health concious or may be he want to look slim. What would you suggest him ? The  reality is if you know then you will explain him for hours and hours with your talks and if you write such things into a  piece of an article then we call them as blog post.

 So a blog is simply a talk or conversation between a writer and listener . Like i am talking to you right now with these words . Are you listening to me or not ?

But again there is a trend which is gaining popularity nowadays. Have you ever listened a word " content marketing" well it is just about publishing out content or article in a website , getting traffic and earning money.

Blogging is also a small part of that huge content marketing industry but sometime it differs . Well it differs with scenario and ways of expressing articles.
A tip for you is that In 2021 blogging  generally refers to teaching about something with long , informative and disscussive article. Like i am teaching you how to create a free blog and make money. 

I hope you understood about blogging if you are still confused then don't worry after reading whole post you will understand all clearly. Just keep reading.

2. Selection of Niche or idea

Selection of niche for blog

What i think is "Every startup begins with an idea not resources ".

Selecting a right topic or niche is the main and most important step for a blogger . What kind of topic is right ? and how would you know about it ? Well it is very brainstorming task but i will give you a short and sweet way to select a niche.
Just answer these question and you will get a topic.

1.What is your hobby ?
2.What is your educational qualification ?
3.Can you talk about something for hours and hours ?
4.Do you have any  special skill ?

Now i will answer these questions and you will know about me.
My hobby is web development and programming . I have degree of science.
I can talk about websites and also i love talking about entrepreneurs like mark zukerberg , larry page etc
I know programming and blogging.

So what i realized from this is i should go with technology blog or "tech" niches.

Few topics to start a blog are given below:

  •  fitness
  • Health
  • Body building
  • Travelling
  • cooking 
  • Dogs , cats , pets
  • chemist
  • Investment and finance
  • Technology
  • Fashion
  • Clothes
  • Software
  • Coding and programming
  • Herbs and medicinal plants
  • Make money online

Is it necessary to start a blog of your interest ?
No even if you know nothing about any topic you can still go with it. Because blogging is not about an expertise , its about research and presentation. I want to share my own story . I started a blog about aloevera even i knew nothing about it. I only knew that it is good for skin and have medicinal values. I started and wrote about 13 posts just by researching on web and wikipedia . It simply means you can go with any topic but your passion for blogging and patience is required.

Micro niches
If you want to start a  free blog  and make money then choosing a main topic is not good. It is better to start blog with mirco niches.


Clothes is a niche. Trousers or shirts or even inner wear are its subtopic.
And if you start blog with such highly targeted keywords then you will rank better in google and also they will generate you huge income from affliate marketing.
But why ?
Because you will be highly connected to your audience with such kind of topic  which will convert them into a customer.

These all were about  topics or niches to start a blog . But wait thats not an article then how will you get topics or title to write post ? Well i will explain that in keyword research section. There i will explain about sub topics and article writing tips.

3. Keyword research and long tail theory

Keyword research

Creating a blog and writing posts or article seems easy but what about traffic ? Well traffic to any website is directly proportional to posts ranking in google SERP. What we should not forget while starting a blog is keyword research.

The main purpose of keyword research is to find long tail ,  low competition and high search volume keyword and use those keyword in title of article .

If you target short keywords like "buy android phone " then your post is not going to rank because it is very competitive but a long tail keyword like " how to buy android phone in 2021" are less competitive and easy to rank.

So now the question is how to conduct a keyword research ?

At this point you may have chose a particular topic or niche right. You will need some keyword research tools in order to find such keyword. Almost all are paid tools but they also offer free trials.

Since i am writing about creating a blog for free. I won't show you a paid tool. Instead of paid i will give you some tips to do free keyword research.
Following are some tool which offers free trials:
1. Semrush
2. Ubersuggest
3. Jaaxy
4.Keywordsurfer chrome extension(its  free)

How to use them ?
Its easy , just go to semrush or ubersuggest or jaaxy create an account they gives  few trials every day. Jaaxy is awesome it give 30 keyword search for free per account. If you created 5 fake email account you will get 150 trials. I have 7 account and i got some 210 keyword search trials . Its enough to do a small project research.

After these there is two more tools .
1. Google auto suggestion  feature
2. Google  "people also search " feature

Go to google search and start typing your niche , you will see some suggestion which you can be used to write posts. Also at last of search page there are some queries made by users which are also useful.

If quora is ranking in first page for any keyword or query then that will be easiest to rank . Just create a high quality post on that topic and also answer on quora and take a backlink from quora page. You will soon rank for it.

Note : Even though  your blog has 100 post you will get 0 traffic if your posts are not ranking . But if your blog have single post which rank in SERP for keyword of volume 10,000 you may get some 6000 traffic. Is it a joke ? No i have seen a many website with single post ranking with traffic of 6000 , 2300 , and 1500. I will  suggest you to  coduct a good keyword research.

I wrote everything in brief do you know why ? Because this post doesn't aim to teach about keyword research . If you find any  problem just search on google you will get what you want.

4. Hosting and domain concept

Domain and hosting

Hosting is a space on web where your website is stored . It can be better understood from an example i saw this example on a youtube video , i just forgot its channel. Like if your house is a website then the land where it lie or it is built is hosting space .

And now again your house has an adress like street , city , country right. All website also have their own address called as IP adress . These IP adresssess are  something like this which are not human readable and is very easy to forget and hard to remember. So to solve this problem Domain Name system was introduced. Domain name is human readable words linked or connected to IP adress of website. Like my website may have IP adress but it has domain name ""  which is easy to memorize.
These domain name often contains .com , .net , .org etc at the end

That was a short and sweet  explaination but now its come to buying a hosting space and registering a domain name. Don't worry we will get them for free.


I already told you this article teaches you about free way to create a blog so don't worry i will give you a perfect free platform.

In this world mostly 3 or 4 platform is used
1. wordpress software +paid hosting(paid + used by more than 90% worlds blog) 

2. blogger(free + allow you to earn money)

3. + don't allow to earn money)

4. Tumblr ( free +  no money making way)

5. Medium ( you write and its founder earn)

So in case of hosting we don't have  alot of option if you want to create a free blog and make money then you must have to choose as blogging platform.
Is it bad or low quality or unprofessional platform ?


When we talk about hosting google has world most powerful hosting system and is a product of google and its files are hosted in google server. So it is 100% safe , sound and even more powerful than other paid hosting services.


No one will give you a free .com , .net or .org domain

But gives you a free subdomain "" . Like if you create any site your URL will be like . But it  allow you to buy custom .com domain and setup it . A custom domain generally cost 10 to 12$  in case of .com

So one question arises here . What is wrong with subdomain ?
Problem is  ,its unprofessional and makes your blog low standard. So my suggestion is to at least invest 11 $ for domain because it will help you in SEO and you will have a high quality blog.

So after alot of explaination i am giving you three option for hosting and domain to start a blog

1. Wordpress software + paid hosting
( paid + high standard suitable for professional blogger)

2. + custom domain 11$
( cheap + high standard suitable for you believe me. When you will start earning from your blog later just move to wordpress self hosted  , its very easy to migrate and your ranking on google won't go down.) + subdomain
( 100% free but low standard suitable for those whose just want a website to share information with friends)

So what will you choose if you want to choose No 2 which is my suggestion then you can buy a domain from godaddy at very low price.

5. Best free blogging platform

Okay so you have already learnt about hosting and domain right. Now i will introduce you with worlds No 1 free blogging platform

It is a product of google  and hence any blog created on this platform is hosted in google's server . Are you ready to create a your free  blog  ?

Follow these steps to create your free blog .
 Step 1 : Go to

Step 2 : As in the above picture you will see a button calling you to " create your blog ". Just click on it and you will be asked to select a google account like this .

Selecting an account

Step 3 : After choosing a google account you will see like this .

Choosing a blog name

Step 4 : As in the above picture you will be asked to choose a blog name .
While choosing blog name most of SEO expert advice to pick keyword of your niche . But i suggest to choose easy to remember 2 syllable word like goo -gle , blo-gger etc.
Also make sure that the name you pick should be available with .com domain . You can check it for free with godaddy search box.

Just click on Next and  you will see something like this 

Choosing URL

Step 5 :  In the above picture you will be asked to choose a URL of your site . Try the same name you chose but sometime it may not be available it means that there is already a blog with that address. So try other words .
In above picture i used number to make it available but in practices avoid number , dash or other character. It should be an aphabet containing word.

Just click on next and you will see something like this 

Step 6 : In the above picture enter the name your name which you want to show to your audience and just click on " Finish " button.

And here is your blog created then you will see your dashboard like this.

Blogger dashboard

So finally you created your  free blog on blogger platform. In above dashboard you will see a menu containing posts , stats , comments , Earnings , pages , layout , Theme , settings.

I won't explain all in details because these can be learnt by using not by reading but i will briefly describe them.

In this section all your post will be present and also you can create a draft post and later publish it . In short it is place where you will create , write , publish , update your posts.

In this section you will see your daily as well as monthly page views along with other stats like location of visitor and visitor in different posts etc. Initially you don't have any page views for months so don't check it everyday. Also your own pageviews will also be counted but it is not good its bad for SEO reason and may increase bounce rate so there is a section to manage your page view just off it.

In this section you will see comments of your visitor . You can either directly approve comment or  you can use moderation option from settings .

This is dream section or you can say money making section . Initially in  this section you will see a message " Your blog is not elligible for monetization". But when your blog meets their standards and also meet their requirement they will give a orange button to monetize.

But Don't worry if you don't see that button by using custom domain you can monetize directly from adsense website.

Here you can write static pages of your blog like Disclaimer , privacy policy , about us , contact us etc.

Here you can change layout plus your widgets and all other gadgets.

In this section you can select theme or upload your own custom template. Also from this section you can access html code of your theme which you need to edit sometime.

It is a bit complicated because here you have to do some SEO works like edit your meta decriptions and other just leave normal , It has everything built in for google crawlers and indexing .

In settings , "ON " your comment moderation so that spammy comment won't get approved.

6. Selecting simple , clean and mobile friendly theme

After creating a free blog in blogger platform everyone has  same problem and which is the only problem of this hosting platform which is user interface.
Many bloggers have complaint that Blogs hosted on blogger don't looks professional as compared to wordpress .

Is it true ?

Yes , you must be wondering why?
It is because everyone has neglected blogger since long time and so its template are not professional and looks abit messy.

 So how to find professional theme ?

At first i want to tell you some facts about importance of theme in SEO and ranking of your blog. Fast loading , simple and clean design will help you rank better in google so whenever you find a template always check its page speed with pagespeedinsight or pingdom both are free tools.

Choosing a right theme with often takes you month why ?
The reason is if you find any other beautiful theme then you will run for that so instead of choosing a pixel perfect theme. You should create a finest articles or content

So what to do well i will share my own experience i do not run for any custom templates i am using soho template which is native blogger template which looks very great.
The reason i love this template is its green look and very simple navigation system and also its font combination and readability.

In case of you can get  thousands of template in web but all are very messy and unprofessional .
So while choosing a theme i will always suggest you to select simple and fast and easy to navigate template.

7. Writing posts and pages

In blogger platform there are two types of pages , one is posts pages and another is static page.
What are these ?
At first both are html files but post page are made to be updated continuosly where as static page are written once and remain same for ever.

Static page includes About us , contact us , privacy policy , Disclaimer etc . These page a written once remain same forever.

Posts page are our content which will be indexed by crawlers of google and will rank on google. This posts will bring you visitors and these pages will earn for you.

So why did i mention this here ?
 I have seen that many people who are new to blogging often confuse about two things pages and posts. These two are same technically but differs by intention they are created for . Also one more thing write all you static pages like contact , about before applying for google adsense . Well you can read all guide lines on their site later.

8. Link building and SEO

Let us consider you have started a free blog on blogger and now you have written few posts . Are you thinking that those post will appear in google ? , No its not as easy as it looks.

In order to rank a post you have to first work  for "on page" SEO and also you have to create backlink to those posts.

I won't mention everything about  SEO in this post but i want to explain about backlink and if you want then just search on google later.


Backlink are link to your website or post from other website. Generally there are three kinds of links dofollow , nofollow and sponsored  . But we will need dofollow links in order to rank our post. If you can build even 50 backlinks to each post then it would be huge.

But wait is it easy to create a backlink ?
Its a bit hard but blogging community is very helping and if your post is great and if you approach to other bloggers in your niche then you can get backlink from their site.
So try to be in contact with other bloggers through facebook , twitter or instagram.

There are some sites which gives you backlink for free.
1. Profile creation site
2. Social media
3. Sites like quora , tumblr , medium

Although there is a trend of guest posting but for that many sites will ask you for money . So i won't give you all those paid ways. But believe me creating backlink will rise you and if you worked hard then  your  post will start ranking from 2 - 3 months and you will gradually see some organic traffic.

9. Social media and traffic generation

 I already told you at the begining of this post that you will not get any traffic for at least 4 -5 months . These months are very painful , like you work very hard creating content and you don't get any traffic to your site  slowly you will feel like its the end and you will soon think to quit blogging .

I also felt same problem for the first time and believe me you will feel same after creating a new blog so in order to avoid this confidence breaking situation we bloggers have found some ways . If you followed all correctly then you will get  good traffic but these are not permanent traffic .
Can you make money with these traffic ?
Yes , if you have huge fan following in social media then you will obviously make money with those traffic.

There are some major social sites to drive traffic , They are:

1. Facebook page or group

If you have a facebook page or group with some followers then you can tell them to visit your blog and in this way you will get some traffic or visitors. This is proven method and many huge bloggers have  used this method to engage their audience.

2. Quora

Quora is question answering  platform where you can do both ask question and also answer to already asked question.
All you have to do is go to quora and search for question about your post topic and just write short answer for it and put link to your post with word " Read more ".
When they will click on that read more link they will come to your site. Quora also ranks on google so traffic from quora can be considered as organic traffic.

Except these there are many platforms like twitter , pinterest , linkedin etc to drive traffic to your post . So keep on creating content consistently and don't give up blogging even when you don't get visitors.

10. Monetization of blog

So lets say you have created a blog and you have good traffic on your blog but wait is it your expectation from blog. May be not , you deserve more than that well some Dollars right.

Earning money is very tricky and strategic part of any blog and your income will completely depend on way you used to monetize your blog.

There are many ways to monetize but these all comes under three  summarized headings.


At first adsense is an advertising company of google which pays to publishers just like you when they show banner ads on website of that publisher . In this case its you who is publisher , if you have a blog with some traffic then you are eligible for adsense .

But while choosing a publisher , adsense is very strict  and content like pornography , piracy , hacking , cracking and not allowed  while monetization.
So always avoid such type of content  and please check adsense page of privacy policy which is to be followed by all the publishers .

Athough adsense is very strict in case of policy violation and contents you can still get an adsense approval. After getting approval you have to do very simple thing just put a small piece of adsense script on your website code section and it will automatically start showing ads on you web layouts.

In case of payment adsense will send you pin to your address after 10$ reaches to your account and after your pin verification you can withdraw amount through wire transfer or cheque or paypal .
But adsense only allow to withdraw when you reach its threshold amount which is 100$.

You must be wondering why did i mentioned about adsense ? Is there any other advertising platform?
There are may advertising companies like propellarads etc but Google adsense is best in the whole world . If you don't believe me after reading this article just search on google.

I directly mention adsense well its topic  should be "banner ads" but i made it adsense since it is no 1 company in the world.

Affliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is my favourite way to make money  but what the heck is this ?
Affliate marketing is a way of earning in which publisher(you) refer some visitors to company for buying their product and when visitors buy product publisher ( you) get some commission out there.

The best part about affiliate marketing is you don't need alot of traffic to make money. Even if your blog only get 1000 traffic a month you can make money if 100 visitor bought product you refer but it requires some research like which company offers affiliate programs on your niche.

How it works ?
Well it works with a specially crafted link known as affliate link . When any visitor click your link a small cookie file will be attached to visitors browser and when they will buy product that company will read your cookie file and confirms that you sent that visitor and add commission amount to your account.

Normally you will get commission when visitor buy or signup or do some task depending on model you chose.

Tip :
If you have very small traffic to your site and want to earn money try affliate marketing . Since it is not steady source of income so if you have some traffic to your site you can combine both affliate + banner ads.


If you are very lucky then sponsorship will make you rich . Well if you have a well established blog about very specific niche then some companies may approach you to show ads on your site and pay you very decent amount. Like if you have niche about cars then a car company may approach you paying alot of money and they will ask you to write good about them. And you know its fine for some money. Don't just be 100 % honest otherwise you may not make money.

11. Conclusion and tips 

Well Finally i explained everything i knew about starting a free  blog and making money . Now i want to conclude all those for you  in some points which are as follow.

  •  At fist blog is a lengthy conversational article
  •  You can choose any topic , it may be against your hobby or interest because blogging is all about research not about expertise.
  • Your post title should be long tail and low competition so that it will rank because no rank means no organic visitors.
  • In case of hosting , For a new blogger is best option but adding a custom domain will give you a bread and butter combination. You can buy a cheap domain from godaddy.
  •  A fast loading template will  help you alot  in SEO .
  • Try to connect with other bloggers in your field or niche and ask them to link to your content . Blogger community is very helpful.
  • In early months you won't get organic visitors so try to drive it from social media. A huge fan base in social site is always helpful
  •  In case of monetization you have two option . Adsense (for high traffic ) and Affiliate marketing ( for low traffic).

Thank you if you read all without scrolling .

 If you need any help or you have any questions then just comment below. Please join me at facebook.

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